TIANXIANG showcased the latest lamps at LEDTEC ASIA

LEDTEC ASIA, one of the lighting industry’s leading trade shows, recently saw the launch of TIANXIANG’s latest innovation – Street solar smart pole. The event provided TIANXIANG with a platform to showcase its cutting-edge lighting solutions, with a special focus on the integration of smart technology and sustainable energy. Among the products on display, the street light solar smart pole stood out, proving that TIANXIANG is committed to promoting the development of the outdoor lighting field.


Street solar smart poles represent a major leap forward in urban lighting infrastructure. Unlike traditional street lights, this innovative design uses flexible solar panels wrapped around the light pole to use solar energy to power the integrated LED lights. Not only does this reduce reliance on traditional electricity, it also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly urban environment. The seamless integration of solar technology into the pole’s structure reflects TIANXIANG’s commitment to harnessing renewable energy for practical applications.

At LEDTEC ASIA, TIANXIANG’s booth attracted considerable attention, and industry insiders and enthusiasts showed strong interest in street light smart poles. The product’s sleek, modern aesthetic combined with its functional capabilities won praise from visitors, who recognized the potential of this innovative lighting solution to transform the urban landscape. Representatives from TIANXIANG introduced the design, technology, and advantages of solar street light smart poles in detail on-site, further consolidating its position as an outstanding product in the market.

The integration of smart features further makes street solar smart poles a forward-thinking lighting solution. The light pole is equipped with advanced sensors and control systems that automatically adjust its brightness based on ambient light levels, optimizing energy efficiency. In addition, smart poles can be integrated into smart city networks to enable remote monitoring and management, thereby improving operational efficiency. This emphasis on smart capabilities is in line with broader industry trends in connected and smart city infrastructure.

The collaboration between TIANXIANG and LEDTEC ASIA facilitates the integration of cutting-edge LED lights with street solar smart poles, ensuring high-performance lighting and superior energy efficiency.

The launch of street solar smart light poles at LEDTEC ASIA marks an important milestone for TIANXIANG, demonstrating the company’s ability to provide impactful and sustainable lighting solutions. By leveraging the latest advances in solar technology, smart features, and LED lighting, TIANXIANG has positioned itself at the forefront of the industry’s move toward more efficient and environmentally friendly lighting infrastructure. The positive response and interest in LEDTEC ASIA is evidence of the growing demand for innovative and sustainable urban lighting solutions.

Looking forward, TIANXIANG remains committed to further improving and expanding its lighting product range, with a focus on integrating renewable energy and smart technologies. Street solar smart pole is just one example of TIANXIANG’s commitment to pushing the limits of outdoor lighting as the company continues to work to shape the future of urban lighting. As cities continue to look for ways to improve sustainability and efficiency, TIANXIANG’s innovative solutions will play a key role in shaping the urban landscape of the future.

Post time: Apr-25-2024