Difference between high mast lights and mid mast lights

When it comes to lighting large areas such as highways, airports, stadiums, or industrial facilities, the lighting solutions available on the market must be carefully evaluated. Two common options that are often considered are high mast lights and mid mast lights. While both aim to provide adequate visibility, there are some significant differences between the two that need to be understood before making a decision.

high mast light

About high mast light

A high mast light, as the name suggests, is a tall lighting structure designed to provide powerful illumination to a wide area. These fixtures typically range from 80 feet to 150 feet in height and can accommodate multiple fixtures. High mast lights are often used in areas where traditional street lights or mid mast lights are insufficient to provide adequate lighting coverage.

One of the main advantages of high mast lights is their ability to illuminate a larger area with a single installation. Due to their high height, they can cover a wider radius, reducing the need to install a large number of poles and fixtures. This makes high mast lights a cost-effective solution for lighting large areas such as highways or large parking lots.

The design of the high mast light allows for flexible light distribution. The luminaire is mounted on top of a light pole and can be tilted in different directions, allowing for precise control of lighting patterns. This feature makes high mast lights particularly effective in specific areas that need lighting while minimizing light pollution in the surrounding area.

High mast lights are also known for their durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions. Their sturdy construction ensures they can withstand strong winds, heavy rain, and even extreme temperatures. These lights are durable and require minimal maintenance, providing a long-lasting lighting solution.

About mid mast light

On the other hand, mid mast lights are also known as traditional street lights and are generally used in urban areas and residential areas. Unlike high lights, mid mast lights are installed at a lower height, usually between 20 feet and 40 feet. These lights are less powerful than high mast lights and are designed to cover smaller areas.

The main advantage of mid mast lights is that they can provide sufficient lighting for local areas. They are commonly used for lighting roads, sidewalks, parking lots, and small outdoor spaces. Mid mast lights are designed to distribute light evenly in the surrounding environment, ensuring good visibility for pedestrians and vehicles.

Another major difference between mid mast lights and high-pole lights is the installation process. Mid mast lights are relatively simple to install and may require fewer resources than high mast lights. Their installation typically does not involve heavy machinery or specialized equipment, making them an easier lighting option to use for smaller projects.

Maintenance is another consideration when choosing between high mast lights and mid mast lights. While high mast lights require less regular maintenance due to their sturdy construction, mid mast lights are relatively easier to maintain and repair. Their lower height makes it easier to access and replace light fixtures when needed.

In summary, the choice between high mast lights and mid mast lights depends on the specific lighting requirements of the area in question. High mast lights are ideal for lighting large open spaces and provide a long-lasting, cost-effective solution. Mid mast lights, on the other hand, are more suitable for local area lighting and are easier to install and maintain. By understanding the differences between these two lighting options, it becomes easier to make an informed decision about which one best suits the needs of a specific project or location.

If you are interested in high mast lights, welcome to contact TIANXIANG to get a quote.


Post time: Nov-23-2023